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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise cheap license

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise cheap license

SQL Server licensing datasheet. Search solution providers. Available to third party software lixense providers only. Skip to main content. File Name:. Buy from Microsoft Find a Microsoft partner. In addition to the benefits noted above, Server and Cloud Sedver SCE customers may also qualify for premium benefits, including unlimited problem resolution support. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise cheap license and innovation Cloud-optimized licensing with the ability to license virtual machines, and the flexibility to move from server to server, to hosters, or to the cloud, on the operating system of your choice. There are two main editions: Enterprise and Standard. Total Size: 0. Search solution providers. Try the newest edition Get started. Selecting a language below will dynamically change the complete page content to that language. For your specific pricing, contact your Microsoft reseller. Easily upgrade to Enterprise edition for comprehensive high-end datacenter capabilities. Microsoft recommends you install a download manager. Run SQL Server on your favorite platform. System Requirements Supported Operating System.