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We also have tools in another low cost package to automate the elevating of the resulting polylines. Back License Compliance Tips Buy IRONCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2021 mac Tricks. See Rastre Manager. Take a look at Chwap Cheap Autodesk AutoCAD Raster Design 2020 Dynamic blocks Add flexibility and intelligence to your block references, including changing the shape, Autodek, or configuration. Equally GIS and infrastructure professionals often need to simply edit existing map data, building elevations or existing geospatial and digital satellite imagery to maintain and update existing records with new developments or proposed plans. Enhanced DWG compare Compare two versions of a drawing without leaving your current window. Raster Data Query Displays the Raster Data Query dialog box, which interactively displays data about the pixel under the cursor. Saving correlation data to the image file is possible only with some image types. Saves an image to another file name, location, or file type, saves an image without saving the drawing. See Converting Raster Text. Remove Erases or rubs raster entities, such as lines, circles, arcs, or rectangles.