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FineReader serves ABBYY FineReader 10 Professional Edition cheap license an ideal bridge between paper and digital processes. First name. Featured In. PDF to Word is excellent - staggering sometimes when you see the input quality. That is "Hot Folder" - every time you add some document into the desired Autodesk Maya 2017 64 bit it automatically converts it for you into any type of document you want. Education With FineReader, educators can maintain centralized research materials and distribute information digitally to students and others in the academic community. Starting Price. To ensure you have the best type of license for your IT infrastructure, ABBYY provides different options for you to run trial licenses on multiple workstations across your organization. In addition to all the functions and technologies available in ABBYY FineReader 10 Professional Edition, this corporate-level version provides an array of powerful workgroup and networking capabilities. Find out how ABBYY FineReader Corporate can support you in managing document-related challenges and how you can start using your documents and the information they contain more efficiently. Protect and sign PDFs.